Wikinvest Wire

Six Months and Counting

Monday, September 26, 2005

[Still recovering ... much more slowly than we had hoped. A brief diversion today before resuming normal activities sometime in the next few days.]

Today marks exactly six months from the day that the very first post appeared on this blog. We thought it would be appropriate to take a quick look back at the last half-year to see how this all began and what it has turned into.

This blog started as a simple experiment to see if there was anything that we could write that anyone else would be interested in reading. For the last five years or so, having spent hours each day reading online news on subjects related to personal finance, financial markets, and macroeconomics, we often wondered if we had anything interesting to say, or if we should just be content to read.

If we were to commit some of our thoughts to the written word in a more formal, organized manner, who would read them?

Then along came blogs - truly a revolution in the dissemination of news and opinion. After reading what others were writing, and being sure to confine our commentary to our area of marginal competence, we dipped our toes in the water. It is really quite remarkable that personal publishing via blogs is not only available to everyone and easy to do, but it's free (or close to it). Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can do it.

We seem to have carved out a little niche here in the blogosphere - irreverent and sometimes funny commentary for a subject sorely lacking in both. Having attracted a small but growing number of regular readers who seem to enjoy what we do, we are not sure where exactly things will go from here. But, in the mean time it is fun to do and the feedback we've received is quite nice.

In the past six months, articles of ours have appeared at Financial Sense Online and as guest commentary at PrudentBear. Many other blogs, websites, and message boards have found posts on this blog to be informative, amusing, or some combination of the two and have linked to us.

Search engines seem to be taking some notice - for some reason MSN Search comes up with this blog for a surprising number of Greenspan queries. We wonder what people think when the name of this blog pops up in response to a very serious search request?

Click to enlarge

We were mentioned briefly in an L.A. Times article a while back, but by far, the most interesting and humorous mention of this blog was in the Washington Post. This is surely an automated Technorati search - a feature which perhaps they should rethink, given what can show up.

Click to enlarge

We don't know what the future holds, but we plan to continue doing this for the foreseeable future. We believe that the next six to eight months have the potential to be one of the most exciting times in financial history, and plan to be around to talk about it.


Anonymous said...

You are obviously a front for somebody -- I just can't figure out who . . .
Keep up the good work.


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