Nice pecs
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The photo on that last post was startin' to creep me out, hanging around at the top of this blog for the last six hours or so. Here's a change of scenery until tomorrow morning from an AP story on Russian President Vladimir Putin's summer vacation.He's definitely sucking it in, but, that's still pretty damn good for a 54-year old - a little body hair might make him look less like a mole.
He's no choir boy but DAMN ... I just really hate what our braintrust is doing to its own kind. I hope he takes them to the woodshed. All hail Vlad our anti-hero.
Vladimir -
The world's Evil-Doer, Dubya's Soul Mate
That's a photoshop. You can see the cropping along the edges of his face and below his chin. Compare that to the rest of the the torso. Nice try, though.
I would work for him just for the satisfaction of sticking it to the CFR.
He would kick George Bush's ass in two seconds. Jujitsu master. We should all be scared.
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