Sounding more like dot-bomb everyday
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Financial took some time off from selling his Countrywide stock to talk with Maria Bartiromo at CNBC in a video that many of you have probably already seen by now. If not, here's a link.Maria brought up the "R" word and Angelo was only too happy to drive home the point that things are probably going to get a lot worse before they get better:
"I don't see a light here at the moment."
However, more than anything else, the Countrywide chief appears to be talking like IBM, Microsoft, and Cisco about six or seven years ago - well into the acceptance phase of the process, trying to figure out how to emerge from the current crisis and pick up market share in a much smaller market.
"This is one of the greatest panics I've ever seen in 55 years in financial services."
"I can't believe that when you're having this level of delinquencies and foreclosures - home equity is gone - the tide has gone out - it will have a material affect on the psyche of the American people and their wallet""But at the end of the day, we could be doing very substantial volume with high quality loans because there's nobody else in town. Although the pie will be smaller, I think we'll get a bigger part of the pie".
Countrywide currently employs 61,000 less the 500 that were let go last Friday.
At the technology company that I worked for, about half the heads were lopped off over a period of about two years when dot-com turned into dot-bomb.
What's the Countrywide headcount likely to be a year or two from now?
Any word on all those Countrywide office buildings under construction in Ventura County?
After BAC threw CFC a $2 billion lifeline, it's no longer on immediate deathwatch. But it does need massive rate cuts.
So he can be productive and use media appearances to talk about how dire the economy is in hopes it might influence the FED to cut rates.
Even gazillionaires blessed with year round, perpetual mega-tans talk their book.
CFC's input costs (borrowing money) are much higher in the past several weeks. Their products (mortgages) are not very popular anymore and aren't selling well. Even if they were selling, they would sell for less than CFC's input costs.
Any MBA's want to jump in and finish the story?
The BoA deal looks like merger if Countrywide survives the next 2 years.
So yes, the Countrywide folks are going to get laid off regardless.
The Countrywide buildings are still all over Ventura County. I'm sure it will take a bit of time for this thing to shake out. But if countrywide goes belly up, maybe Angelo Mozilo can convert some of the office space to tanning salons. He appears to like spending time under the fry lights.
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