Wikinvest Wire

What happens in Las Vegas...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The "Entertainment Capital of the World" will be hosting another Hard Assets Investment Conference in less than two months. Somehow yours truly got moved up into the second row in the promotional material now being circulated.

For free registration to the conference click here

The preliminary schedule has me appearing on a PowerPanel early Tuesday morning (Sept 9th) titled, "Dust and Rust: The most important profit-turning trends in agriculture and metal markets" along with Ben Johnson, Danielle Park, Jon Nadler, and moderator Al Korelin.

Later that day I'll be conducting a Newsletter Editor Masterclass on the subject of investing in commodities and natural resource stocks.

Like the conference in New York two months ago, I'm looking forward to another great experience - readers of the blog who happen to be in the Las Vegas area are encouraged to stop by and say hello.

A few fun facts about Las Vegas via
  • Current number of licensed gambling places in Las Vegas 1701
  • Number of slot machines in the city 197,144
  • Annual visitors to Las Vegas, in millions 36.7
  • Percentage of visitors who say they come mainly to gamble 5
  • Percent of visitors who end up gambling during their stay 87
  • Hours per day average visitor spends gambling 3.9
  • Average gambling budget per trip, in dollars 559
  • Number of hotel rooms 124,270
  • Average number of pillowcases washed daily at MGM Grand 15,000
  • Number of conventions hosted annually 3749
  • State's nationwide rank in gold production 1
  • Cost of Nevada marriage license, in dollars 35
  • Average cost of filing for divorce in Nevada, in dollars 450
If someone wants to analyze the highlighted fun facts about visitors gambling habits, have it. At first glance it seems those five percent coming mainly to gamble are skewing the statistics.

I'd be interested to know how many hours per day those five percent spend gambling.

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To learn more about investing in natural resources using commonly traded ETFs, stocks, and mutual funds, see this description at Iacono Research. Or, sign up for a free trial.



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