Wikinvest Wire

U.S. manufacturing "less bad"

Friday, May 01, 2009

The U.S. manufacturing sector shrunk at a slower rate in April than in March, back to a pace of contraction that is normally associated with normal recessions, causing some pundits to erroneously apply the "less bad" label to yet another economic statistic.
IMAGE Not dwelling too much about the nature of the chart above, where numbers above and below 50 indicate expansion and contraction, respectively, you could easily convince yourself that conditions got better last month, not worse.


Anonymous said...

So, you are saying it's really "less good", not "less bad". Why don't they just it's still getting "worse".

Anonymous said...

I meant: Why don't they just >say< it's still getting "worse".

Anonymous said...

I think this is not the bottom and it gets more bad again.


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