Oil and gold contest update #6
Friday, June 26, 2009
Here's one last quick update for the "Guess the Mid-Year Price of Oil and Gold" contest that concludes on Tuesday of next week. As indicated below, there is little change since last week, ycching hanging on to first place for another week with just two trading days left to go.With oil ending at about $69 a barrel and gold at about $939 an ounce, that little yellow diamond is now in an area of the chart free of congestion, so unless we see a big move on Monday or Tuesday, someone in the top five is likely to win.
The thought of The Inscrutible Chicken garnering the top prize makes the headline writer inside of me all tingly...
Here's the complete top ten:Remember the winner will receive a free one-year subscription to the companion investment website Iacono Research, valued at $159, where the model portfolio was about flat for the week but still sports a gain of 14.9 percent as the second quarter draws to a close.
The winner will be announced sometime late in the day, next Tuesday.
Good luck to all!
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