Wikinvest Wire

Pencils Down!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

These came in the mail the other day and they are just too good not to share. Their source is unknown - if anyone knows of their origin, please advise in the comments section and credit will be given where credit is due.

Looking at these reminds me of that scene in Top Secret where Nick Rivers (Val Kilmer) has his hands tied above his head and he is being beaten with a whip by some Nazi.

In a semi-conscious state he dreams that he's back in school, at his locker, when a perky female classmate approaches and asks, "So did you study for the test?"

Nick is momentarily dumbstruck, then replies, "What test?"

He slowly comes to, realizing his situation in a German prison camp and smiles broadly.


Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is too funny!

foo said...

You can't blame the kid who put the elephant in the way (2nd last one).

What was the test creator thinking with a question like "Does the object continue to move after it comes to rest?".

Ummm, what's the definition of "coming to rest"? How is that compatible with "continueing to move". Let's just put an elephant in the question.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard my eyes were watering.

Anonymous said...

What was the test creator thinking with a question like "Does the object continue to move after it comes to rest?".

By comes to rest, it means the velocity becomes 0. Whenever an object reverses direction (which is caused by the spring at the end of the slope), it must obtain a zero velocity at some point, albeit for a brief instant. Hence "at rest". The question is whether the spring is just enough to stop it, or whether it absorbs enough energy to push it back. It makes perfect sense.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I need to wrap my ribs now . . . I'm sure I cracked a few ribs I laughed so hard.

Blue Girl, Red State said...

I am a lowly grad student, earning my meager keep teaching and tutoring science and math in the community college system in the city where I live.

Thank you so much for this! I am getting ready to grade cell bio exams this afternoon. I may have something to email you to add by the close of business today...

Anonymous said...

Hey -

Let's keep up the Top Secret references. It's got to be the goofiest movie ever made!


Deja vu? Haven't we met before?

foo said...


I understand the math. I was pointing out that it's amusing that an example of a student's silly answer contains a question that should be taken out and shot.

Question: "Does the object continue to move after it comes to rest?"
Answer: No. By definition an object at rest is not continuing to move. Alternatively, by definition an object that is continuing to move has not come to rest.
Potentially Correct Question:"Will the object begin to move again after it initially comes to rest?"

When examiners can't even write logical, English questions on the math test, how can we expect students to do any better than draw an elephant and say it's in the way?

Anonymous said...

Try this one:

Anonymous said...

Exothermic versus Endothermic


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