You gotta love Ron Paul
Monday, June 25, 2007
This new bill in the House of Representatives, sponsored by Ron Paul (R-Texas), came to my attention just a short time ago:You gotta love Ron Paul for saying and doing things that only a small minority of the population have the foggiest idea what he's talking about.
What might Fed Chief Ben Bernanke think if this goes anywhere?
He probably doesn't have anything to worry about since a quick committee death is the mostly likely outcome - most elected officials seem to like the financial system pretty much the way it is right now, despite the pandering that is required of their job.
A report earlier today citing displeasure with the new Fed over their failure to regulate mortgage lenders and a host of other issues does, however, offer some hope.
Ron Paul is wished well in his presidential bid - he seems to be striking a chord with the younger crowd.
You really do "gotta love" Ron Paul. I've been doing some design work (tshirts) to help lend support. Sold eight so far! I need to create a little ad banner that shows the US mint's printing presses printing at break neck pace - then they stop, and you see "STOP THE PRESSES! Ron Paul for President: the hard money candidate" Something like that. Anyway, here are my Ron Paul T's.
Ron Paul stamped on a gold coin
Ron Paul: Vive la constitucion!
Ron Paul: Back to the Constitution!
Let me know what you think.
Nice T-shirts.
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