How hot is it where you are?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

If this heat continues, we may have to head to a higher elevation for a few days this week. Apparently, 3,500 feet isn't quite high enough to avoid triple-digit temperatures now and then. It was close to 100 degrees at twice this elevation in parts of California last week.

How hot is it where you are?

These photos were taken just three weeks ago at an elevation of 8,600 feet at Highland Lakes, not far from here - odds are that the snow is now all gone. Maybe we'll have to go check on that (click any of these to enlarge).

On the day that we were here it must have been 20 degrees cooler by the side of this lake than just a few thousand feet lower.

Things are a little strange at this elevation and they get stranger as you go even higher but the alpine lakes are always nice to look at.

Driving a car at almost 9,000 feet is kind of strange too, but you can do that during the summer in many parts of California and other states in the West. The mountains on the East Coast are just little, bitty things by comparison.

We may just have to try to find some snow this week.


This week's cartoon from The Economist (lots of good stuff in this week's issue, some of which will show up here tomorrow).

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Anonymous said...


Did you see the movie "An Inconvenient Truth". I saw this movie today. Globally ice is becoming scrace ...

Tim said...

Haven't seen the movie yet - I watched part of the one on HBO a while back by Larry David's wife. I think the heat is mostly past us now and heading east.

barnaby33 said...

Thats funny, its cool and sunny here in San Diego, go figure.

BlueEventHorizon said...

We had 100 degree weather in Boulder over the weekend (5400').

Up at our house it reached 85 (8050') - but 30 mins and one thunderstorm later it was down to 70. Gotta love it.

I have "An Inconvenient Truth" on my coffee table, but I can't bring myself to watch it - there's way too much conflicting information regarding the man-made vs natural climate change, too much sensationalist bad science too.

They can't even predict next weekend's weather, but I am expected to believe projections 50 years into the future based on models built using 30 years of data? Gimme a break.

Tim said...

We were chased by thunderstorms today at about 8,000 feet. The temperature dropped about 20 degrees in about an hour.


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