Chart of the week
Monday, August 20, 2007
It's not clear what can be learned from the chart below, but this is something that I've wanted to whip up for some time now - it's very colorful.Note that there were major changes to the way inflation was calculated in both 1983 and 1996 and M3 statistics are estimated for 2006 since the Federal Reserve stopped publishing this data series.
I guess 70's style stagflation is when all the lines go up above 10. During the Great Depression, all of the lines probably went below zero. Now that the credit crunch threatens to bring that blue "Household Liabilities" down hard as many consumers can no longer borrow, lets keep an eye on what happens.
M3 money supply reborn:
Its strange how the money supply shoots up in the early 80s just as inflation goes down.. would be good to see short term rates here too.
Greenspan's easy-money era doesn't look that bad in this context.. part of the current problems are a result of importing inflation.. its not like the 1990s were a repeat of the 50s and early 60s
At a glance - m3 and liabilities are running around assets while inflation is on its own.
The fun part is that assets, money supply and liabilities are all above inflation most of the time, so it's like getting in debt to have something and feel rich.
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