It's almost too easy now
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Material for this blog comes almost too easily these days, the latest example being this none-too-flattering commentary($) in today's Wall Street Journal.Thanks, Greenspan
Strange indeed.
Alan Greenspan was an ideal central banker -- at least, as far as investment banks were concerned. Whenever their profitability was threatened, the former Federal Reserve chairman rode to the rescue. Now he's being rewarded with a job advising Deutsche Bank. Yet this appointment comes at a time when the consequences of Mr. Greenspan's policies are shaking Wall Street to its foundations.Mr. Greenspan assisted investment banks in many ways. His general opposition to financial regulation made life easier for hedge funds, which became a major source of profits. When investment banks got into hot water after the tech bubble burst, the Fed chief had little to say on their abuse of conflicts of interest.
Even more important for the banks' profits was Mr. Greenspan's policy of boosting the economy by keeping short-term rates well below long-term yields. This "carry trade" became a license to print money for the investment banks' proprietary trading desks and fixed-income departments.
It's a strange time to be turning to the Maestro for advice.
Having spent more than a decade as an engineer in the aerospace/defense business, this looks a lot like how some deals get done within the military procurement system - upon their retirement, the colonels who pushed for the purchase of systems offered by my employer always seemed to show up in an office somewhere between mine and those on "Mahogany Row".
This would be the equivalent of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff getting hired by Lockheed-Martin after he retired only to see the new $200 billion fighter program crash and burn.
At least the WSJ is finally starting to wake up!
His upcoming book release in september is coming in 'intresting' times I wonder if it will help sales when all the wallstreet bankers brokers and the like have required reading for "therapy" counseling, or maybe it will be the last page that says you fools thought you could get rich gotcha!!!
Not to nitpick on the great article but I think our Aerospace community is slightly more ethical.
We really try to make sure our products work and help our guys in the field.
At least most of the guys I know.
Democrat/Republican/liberal/conservative... we are a very patriotic group.
Like shooting fish in a barrel. Even Cramer is taking potshots at Al!
Cramer seems to be something of a "Messenger of Truth" lately (I'm not sure who's truth, but someone's truth to be sure).
Congrats to you and Justin on your documenting all the 'ploding that's been going on lately (nice WSJ mention - I suck up to them only because they deserve it).
I'm getting lost with John From Cincinatti - do you know what's going on? Hear my father speak?
I tend to think Cramer is more of a parrot than anything.
Cramer's whining for a Fed bail out of Wall Street - at least Colbert called him on it.
upon their retirement, the colonels who pushed for the purchase of systems offered by my employer always seemed to show up in an office somewhere between mine and those on "Mahogany Row".
This should be illegal. That money could be better served cushioning the property tax burden this housing market and George Bush have spawned. The over-inflated real estate market in addition to the financial squeezed hurled upon states by the feds gave NJ the excuse to reevaluate homes in order to factor in their "new values". The same old tired little 3 bedroom cape cod I've lived in for years went from $4,000/yr in taxes to almost $8k AND rising. The only problem now is the price they valued my home at is no longer the price I can fetch for it. The kicker is the new tax bill remains the same.
When do us little guys who work hard and pay almost half of everything we make in taxes going to catch a break? Something's gotta give. I say, throw them all out. Hillary, Obama, every republican. Get rid of every single incumbent and their lobby-loving arses.
Heh - "Mahogany Row" is definitely a Lock-Mart cultural term. One of the things I liked about working at Lockheed was how they drilled ethics ethics ethics into the workers, with yearly refresher training, and how it was built into our engineering processes. (Can't say much about the upper-management and sales process though.) It was a huge change from working at a software dotcom where engineers were expected to aid and abet unethical practices by sales and marketing staff. Oh yes, defense and aerospace may be the favorite whipping boy - but it's everywhere. And it is very nice to be privileged to work in an environment where there is at least SOME institutionalized mechanism to protect against it. In that regard, I can't speak highly enough of Lockheed.
Oh yeah - Cramer's conscience is finally getting to him? Had a wittow lapse of professionalism on the air? Poor wittow baby.
No different than all the smug war cheerleaders (H.R.C. included) who are now wringing their hands over Iraq. 2003 was the appropriate time to speak-up about this mess. Actually, it should have been obvious (WAS obvious) in 1999 by how Bush had turned Texas' surplus into a deficit, the kind of governing we could expect as a president. Heck, it was obvious in 1992. Like father, like son.
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