The protocols have been triggered
Monday, August 13, 2007
Toward the end of this FREE story on page one of the Wall Street Journal can be found the following nugget that should titillate all those conspiracy theorists in our midst.The market turmoil prompted the President's Working Group on Financial Markets -- the Treasury, the Fed, the SEC and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission -- to trigger protocols established by Mr. Paulson shortly after he took office last year. They include a detailed list of who is going to call financial institutions, risk managers, traders and chief executives to keep tabs, how often they should call and the like. When he first joined Treasury from Goldman Sachs, Mr. Paulson instructed Emil Henry, then the Treasury official in charge of financial institutions, to craft guidelines for five or six "meltdown" scenarios. One was a catch-all "General Withdrawal from Risk Taking." Others include a liquidity crisis, stock-market meltdown and oil shock. The Working Group has held conference calls, principally among staff, at least once a day in recent days.
If things get really bad, they might have to have conference calls twice a day - should that fail to stem the panic, then three, four, or five calls may be necessary.
Don't they have a new name for this group now?
Dunno - a quick search yielded little other than the amazing transformation of Hank Paulson as depicted in the WSJ over the last year.That kind of steely-eyed resolve is just what we need now.
It cracks me up how a 300 point jump in the Dow is normal but a 300 point dip is viewed as a cataclysmic event that requires intervention! It takes a lot of work to keep the fraud going!
nice catch! Steely-eyed resolve? i dunno, looks more like since taking on this job, Paulson has gone grey.
Love this site, keep up the great work.
I want to know how all those phone calls are going to produce one drop of oil or one productive job.
It cracks me up how a 300 point jump in the Dow is normal but a 300 point dip is viewed as a cataclysmic event that requires intervention!
When you're increasing the monetary supply by 15% per year, a 300 pt increase is expected, and anything less means you're losing money. A 300 pt deacrease means you're losing money at a massive rate. No wonder people are freaking out.
paulson is another bush stooge. he is just going to look out for his friends on wall street. the chinese are gonna lambast him if he goes there again begging them to strengthen their currency. meanwhile, he'll talk out of his other mouth telling everyone that the US wants a strong dollar. bunch of friggin' liars.
1.) I know I shouldn't be surprised, as this is the Bush Administration we're talking about, but I'm shocked that Paulson had to implement these protocols SIX years into this Administration. What the hell was Treasury doing before Paulson got there?
2.) He looks so much older (and stressed out).
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