Wikinvest Wire

Tracing out two figure eights

Monday, August 27, 2007

We are off on a trip that will trace out two oddly shaped figure eights across the continental United States over the next three weeks - hopefully gasoline prices will go no higher.

New material will appear here from time to time - how much and with what frequency is anybody's guess at this point.

The highlight of our trip will be a stop at the Federal Reserve's Economic Symposium at Jackson Hole, Wyoming where the nation's cental bankers meet once a year for a huge group therapy session.

Our invitation seems to be lost in the mail somehow...

Oh well, if they won't let us in we'll just go camping at Yellowstone.

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Anonymous said...

John (CA) says:

I'm sure I speak for all of your regular readers when I say, drive safely and have a great trip, Tim. I'll be anxiously awaiting your return and next posts.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering why you would go that far east, but not stop in New York City? The top of the Empire State Building has a great view of all of the construction cranes building new luxury apartments for all of the hedgies.

Having done I-80 coast to coast, my advice is to make sure that you are calm and resigned to the inevitable congestion and delays which begin just as you approach the Chicago metro area. Also, there are many toll roads in the East. The toll gates have long delays for the out-of-towners who don't have the high-tech RFID toll collection devices. The local commuters get to speed through without stopping while you get to wait in line for half an hour.

Rob Dawg said...

Twice in Chicago? Nay, head North, Wisconsin and The Bridge and see Michigan. Roumer has it that there is this "other place" on the "other side" of the border. You might give "them" a try as well.

Hidden gem on your route: Dinosaur National Monument.

Anonymous said...

Tim, That's the way to enjoy retirement, and with the mint stop its even a tax write off. Have fun, but hurry back I need the insight, the recession starts any day now.


BlueEventHorizon said...

Holy Moley Tim. The marginal increase in gas demanded for that trip could push national prices up a nickel or so!

Have fun.

Unknown said...

When you are in the philly area make sure you visit Longwood Gardens.

jmf said...

Moin from Germany,

have a nice and safe trip!

Anonymous said...

no one gives a damn about your trips.

why did you erase my post - the truth is hard to hear?

Tim said...

Thanks for all the well wishes.

Anon 2:54 AM - please go away.


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