Oil and gold prices - the fun begins
Friday, October 12, 2007
Entries for the 2007 edition of the "Guess the Year-End Price of Oil and Gold" contest have been tabulated and appear in the chart and table below.There were a total of 63 entries with average guesses of $82.60 for a barrel of oil and $770 for an ounce of gold on December 31st, 2007. For oil the high/low range was $105/$61 and for gold the range was $975/$532.
All individual guesses appear in the table below - if something looks amiss, please let me know (hey, that rhymed). Entries sent via email appear at the end of the list as initials only and my guess came just a few moments ago, long after the Wednesday deadline, but then, I can't really win anyway.
If I do win, then the second place finisher will receive the grand prize of a free one-year subscription to Iacono Research where the model portfolio has just reached a new all-time high, up 21 percent for the year and up over 51 percent since its inception less than two years ago - wow!The graphic at the top of this post will be updated about every two weeks, probably on Fridays, and I've hired an intern from the local college to help me evaluate the various options for selecting a winner (I couldn't find my old textbooks).
Good luck to all!
Dammit! When you said end of the year, I thought you said "16 October, 12:26 EST"...
Oh well, at least I got chicken.
Oh well - given what's happened recently, I'm starting to wonder if I'll have to change the scale on the chart.
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