Wikinvest Wire

Stranger than fiction

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

At first this looked like it was another one of those Weird News stories that runs at the bottom of the Yahoo! front page but apparently it is true - according to this report from Reuters, Dick Cheney and Barack Obama are related.

There's no sign of a family reunion planned, but U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama are distant cousins.

So says the vice president's wife, Lynne Cheney, who said she discovered that her husband of 43 years is eighth cousins with the senator from Illinois.
The common ancestor was Mareen Devall, who the Chicago Sun-Times said was a 17th century immigrant from France.

Mrs. Cheney said she discovered the link through family research for her new book, "Blue Skies, No Fences," about growing up in Wyoming.

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