Funniest quip of the day week

Monday, November 26, 2007

In his latest "Outside the Box" e-letter, John Mauldin shares some thoughts from James Grant of Grant's Interest Rate Observer on the current subprime mess that just doesn't seem to want to stop getting worse:

The subprime problem, we were told, would not spread to other markets. It would be "contained." And it has, according to Jim Grant. He quipped last week that it has been contained on planet Earth.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this is not true. A small cash-rich planet orbiting Arcturus invested its entire planetary worth in CDOs and SIVs, and the ensuing losses have created an unstable black hole that threatens the entire Arcturian system.

Tim said...

I'm always on the alert for readers correcting me when I write something that is in error PLUS I usually read the comments in an email message from Blogger, so, I'm not always sure of the context.

This one had me going quickly from a mild panic to a good belly-laugh - thanks.


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