One last chance at a low rate

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The response to the recent $99 per year promotion at the companion investment website Iacono Research has been so good that it's a shame it had to come to an end last week. In the spirit of the holidays, one last chance at this low rate is being provided today and tomorrow for anyone starting a 30-day free trial.

It's easy to see why so many of you have been interested in this investment service that began eighteen months ago - after a model portfolio gain of 25.4 percent in 2006, year-to-date results in 2007 show a gain of 23.0 percent.

All you have to do is sign up for a 30-day free trial by the end of the day tomorrow and the special $99 rate will be available to you for the duration of your free trial period.

To request a free trial, go here.

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To learn more about investing in natural resources using commonly traded ETFs, stocks, and mutual funds, see this description at Iacono Research. Or, sign up for a free trial.


Tim said...

We'll be out supporting the economy by doing some holiday shopping most of the day - look for return mail for free trials later in the day today.

EconomicDisconnect said...

Does anyone know if Freddie Mac could accept a Abu Dhabi (translated means "father of gazelle" no kidding) like cash infusion seeing that Freddie is loosly affiliated with the US government? I have no idea.


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