Have you seen M3 lately?
Monday, December 17, 2007
Surely, bankers have more important things to worry about than what the reconstructed M3 money supply looks like, but anytime any money statistic starts closing in on 20 percent, someone somewhere in the government ought to be scratching their head.Recall that this data series was discontinued by the Federal Reserve almost two years ago and the reason given at the time was that it cost too much to maintain and provided no useful information.
Apparently the expense is not prohibitive for NowAndFutures, where this data series continues to be tracked, and whether or not this information is useful, well, if you work at the nation's central bank, usefulness is apparently very subjective.
Ain't the internet great?
Bernanke and Greenspan are saying the money supply making is not making it into the market.
Is it simply going directly into someone pocket?
I look at the M3 data and know that Gutenberg would have been proud.
Just a coincidence how that graph sorta-kinda tracks the price of the pound, the euro, boring old gold...
It's ridiculous that they discontinued the official M3 report. It's important to know how erosive the USD is becoming.
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