Bair: "It's clear the Fed should have acted earlier"
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Today's scathing page one NY Times piece "Fed Shrugged as Subprime Crisis Spread" points a finger directly at former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan for the current credit and housing market mess. They have a nice chronology of all the warning signs.The entire report is well worth reading - kind of like a stroll down memory lane. My favorite part was:
Mr. Greenspan and other Fed officials repeatedly dismissed warnings about a speculative bubble in housing prices. In December 2004, the New York Fed issued a report bluntly declaring that “no bubble exists.” Mr. Greenspan predicted several times — incorrectly, it turned out — that housing declines would be local but almost certainly not nationwide.
It is the slow motion trainwreck we all saw on the sidelines but with few exceptions, nobody in DC saw. Can you say out of touch. I am so glad Greenspan is getting his deserved ill reckognition.
One of the interesting questions about any political or financial disaster is "Was this simply an intellectual error, or was there something more to it?". Trouble is, I have no idea what the answer is here.
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