Now, this is something new
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Aside from ski trips back in the 1980s, it's been almost thirty years since we woke up to see a fresh blanket of snow outside - the adjustment to the new neighborhood continues.The snowplows were busy early in the morning and some drivers apparently just had to get to work, causing a handful of accidents on local roads.
Unfortunately for the school crowd, no classes were scheduled due to the holiday break. One of the best parts about a childhood on the East Coast was waiting around for school closures to be announced on the radio.
It looks as though we got three or four inches but it's already melting away. At this elevation (3,500 feet) it usually only snows a few times a year and it usually only lasts a few days - just enough to keep things interesting without becoming a real bother.
There are still piles of leaves that haven't been raked up and bagged - they'll probably still be there after the snow melts.
What region are you in now? The Sierra foothills? Those pictures remind me of the couple times I've seen snow at my aunt's place in Grass Valley.
Yes, we're in the foothills of the Sierras, but a couple hours south of Grass Valley.
Im right down the road near Sonora
It's small (electronic) world...
Awesome photos, thank you for sharing, Tim.
I have seen enough snow here in MSaachusetts already this year! Nice pictures though. That snow looks clean and is not black and gray in color!
Go Patriots tonite, history awaits!
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