And a half-point it is

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ben Bernanke and crew were hard at work once again today, slashing the Fed funds rate another half-point, down to an even three percent.

There was one dissenting vote cast by Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher who voted for no change - he needs to get with the program.

Pretty soon, about the best you'll be able to do is about three percent on a Certificate of Deposit. Those Stable Value Funds in most 401k plans are starting to look pretty good again - just like they did about five years ago. You can still get a risk-free low-risk return that will at least beat the government's measure of inflation - real world inflation is a completely different matter.

The entire nation is now being goaded into taking on more risk - part of another series of easy money injections that will attempt to combat the ill-effects of the last series of easy money injections.

Inflation seems to be but a passing thought in the most recent policy statement:
I had a hard time even finding last month's policy statement with all the press releases over the last seven weeks.

Big surprise - gold and silver are up almost one percent and the dollar is down about an equal amount.

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Anonymous said...

It's not the Fed's fault, it's not Greenspan's fault, it's not Bernanke's fault. It's all mine. See, I've just got bad financial timing ever since I started working in 2000.

First I accelerated away my 5% student loans because rates were 1%. Then I built my six month, emergency, bank-it-and-leave-it money market at 4% - even though the stock market was returning 12%. Then I set up my buy-and-hold index portfolio - right at the market apex. Now that I'm ready to save cash for a house, the go-go bubble is gone, rates are headed back to 2%, and inflation's hitting 4%. Basically, since I started acquiring dollars, I've turned them worthless.

So I'm sorry guys. I think I'm the one who ruined the US economy. If there's any decoupling, maybe it should be me.

On the other hand, to make lemons from lemonade, I could set up a hedge fund. Whatever I'm about to do in my own financial life, I'll tell my clients, so they can bet the opposite. If I'm about to hedge against inflation by buying gold, for a fee I'll tell you, so you can short gold. Anyone want to get in on this action?

Anonymous said...

Australian bonds - 6% ! Woot!


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