The democratization of technology

Friday, January 25, 2008

If you are a fan of Jim Cramer's show Mad Money and you haven't already seen this, it is well worth a look. Someone should do a piece like this about Donald Trump.

For some time now, many have thought that technology is advancing much faster than is Man's ability to deal with the changes. Companies like Google and innovations such as YouTube have resulted in a growing "democratization of technology", which, given the alternative, is a very good thing.

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Anonymous said...

What an excitable little chap he is, to be sure. Pure as the driven slush, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

Yup! He's so great that his hedge fund went belly-up ... but that's okay because he made a ton when he had his IPO.

He's no better than Ken Lay and all of the other lying, cheating CEOs who bankrupted their companies and got away with the golden goose.

I'd like to see his trades during this period, if he made any. But then, that's why there is a disclaimer every time that he froths at the mouth and spews his drivel.

The only people who made any money from his advice are the ones who did the opposite of what he "recommended".

Anonymous said...

anyone remember last year when he and eric bolling made that bet for charity? where cramer said financials would beat oil and gold in 2007?

hah. it's a damn shame bolling left fast money, i would've loved to see cramer get roasted over the coals over that one.


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