Wikinvest Wire

A new survey

Monday, January 21, 2008

There is another survey in the right sidebar and it will remain up for most of the rest of the week, probably moving lower as the days go by.

The MLK holiday came at a pretty interesting time relative to financial market movements in 2008 - in most years, Wall Street types probably take this opportunity to go figure out how to spend some of that year-end bonus money (well, that's still true at Goldman Sachs), but this year, chances are that it's another trip to the doctor to get another refill on that prescription for anti-depressants instead.

Ben Bernanke's phone has got to be ringing off the hook right about now.


Anonymous said...

What would be the point of another rate cut? Maybe to float markets up for a while longer before they bomb out even worse. Credit is being destroyed faster than money can be printed and central banks are powerless to stop it.

Anonymous said...

I think Jim Rogers said it during the August tumble - the Fed is irrelevant.


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