Oil and gold contest update #5
Friday, June 27, 2008
Can you stand the excitement? With one more trading day left in the fourth edition of the "Guess the price of oil and gold" contest, there has been just enough movement over the last week to shake up the top ten vaulting TP from seventh place to first.Linda M was knocked out of the top spot, CW moved up one notch, and lookee who's there sneaking up into spot number four, maybe thinking about a last minute run with a bold guess of $145 for crude oil (the gold guess was a good one up until this morning).
Over the last week the price of oil rose from $135 a barrel to $140 and gold awoke from its recent slumber to tack on more than $25 to end the week at about $928.
In graphical form, the oil and gold prices have now looped back over themselves, once again heading to the upper right of the chart as might be expected in a world full of money backed by nothing other than faith in the government that issues it.Recall that the winner will receive a free one-year subscription to the companion investment website Iacono Research, valued at $159, where the model portfolio had yet another good week, getting ready to close out the first half of the year with a gain of 7.5 percent.
The winner will be announced sometime on Monday afternoon or evening.
To learn more about investing in natural resources using commonly traded ETFs, stocks, and mutual funds, see this description at Iacono Research. Or, sign up for a free trial.
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