Thursday morning links

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fannie Mae, Freddie Losses Make Them `Insolvent,' Poole Says - Bloomberg
UK house prices 'fell 2% in June' - BBC
When the going gets tough, economists go very quiet - Guardian
Granddad, Tell How Capitalism Committed Suicide - Bloomberg
Abu Dhabi fund buys stake in NY Chrysler Building - AP

Oil Is Steady as Iran Tests Missiles, Nigerian Cease-Fire Ends - Bloomberg
Gold Gains as Mortgage Companies Fuel Concern on U.S. Economy - Bloomberg
S&P 500 May Lose 12% Before Bear Market Ends, History Shows - Bloomberg

Jobless claims dip but labor market still weak - AP
U.S. Economy to Stall at Year-End as `Perfect Storm Returns' - Bloomberg
Retailers post mixed June sales results - AP

June home foreclosures up 53 percent - Reuters
Worst of Housing Crisis Is Behind Us -- Really - Bloomberg
The Fannie and Freddie doomsday scenario - Fortune

Minneapolis Fed chief sees inflation as economic obstacle - USA Today
Steel Steps Down From Treasury Post To Take Over at Struggling Wachovia - Wash. Post

BoE holds interest rates, analysts see eventual cut - Reuters
Food price inflation rises to 7% - Guardian
G-8 summit largely ignores economic woes - LA Times
China Won't Stamp Out Inflation, Revalue Yuan - Bloomberg
Intervention Pulls Down Won-Dollar Rate to 1,004 - Korea Times

How to Win Your Wife's Weight in Beer - Spiegel Online
Smaller car, bigger insurance bill? - MSN Money
Desk rage spoils workplace for many Americans - Reuters

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