Wednesday morning links

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bush signs U.S. housing rescue plan into law - Reuters
1.7m UK homeowners to fall into negative equity, warns S&P - Telegraph
Mervyns, a California retail fixture, files for bankruptcy - LA Times
Bennigan's files for bankruptcy protection - AP
WaMu's Bloated Asset Values Don't Fool Investors - Bloomberg

Crude Oil Falls From 12 Week-Low on U.S. Fuel Demand Concern - Bloomberg
Gold falls nearly 2 pct, eyes $900/oz, as dollar firms - Reuters
As oil nears 20 percent "bear" market, bulls unfazed - Reuters
Why Indians love to hate Gold these days - Commodity Online

Private sector gains 9,000 jobs in July - Reuters
Oil Price at $90 Is Enough to Save Global Economy - Bloomberg
Survey: Fewer economists believe recession likely - USA Today

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Live to Die Another Day - Bloomberg
Demand Surges on Foreclosure Sites - BusinessWeek
Mortgage applications hit a 2008 low; most rates slip - AP
Builders shave $430,000 off new O.C. house prices - OC Register

Fed announces new liquidity-boosting measures - Reuters
Covered Bonds: What the Paulson Plan Means for You - BusinessWeek

After 7 Years, Talks on Trade Collapse - NY Times
Mortgage finance report suggests funding gap higher than thought - Telegraph
European Confidence Drops Most Since Sept. 11 Attacks - Bloomberg
Australia faces worse crisis than America - Telegraph UK
Zimbabwe introduces new currency - BBC

Ten hot dates in a bad economy - MSN Money
The Extreme Reality Makeover Show - Washington Post

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