Sunday morning links

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lawmakers Reach Accord On Huge Financial Rescue - Washington Post
America's bail-out plan: I want your money - Economist
A Memo Found in the Street - Barron's
Could the bailout turn a profit for taxpayers? - LA Times
Wall Street, R.I.P.: The End of an Era, Even at Goldman - NY Times

Getting in Touch With Your Investment Angst - Washington Post
Short-sale ban disrupts trades for hedge funds -MarketWatch
Financial crisis: Hedge funds face recordredemptions - Telegraph
Palin's Stand on Mining Initiative Leaves Many Feeling Burned - Washington Post

Payrolls Probably Fell, Factories Shrank: U.S. Economy Preview - Bloomberg
Milk prices, pour better or worse - LA Times
US Congress passes $25bln loan guarantees to automakers - AFP

'Hope for Homeowners,' Still Long in Coming - Washington Post
Renting Makes More Financial Sense Than Homeownership - SmartMoney
How Fannie -- and You -- Bought a Hapless House - Washington Post

It's time for a federal financial services agency - Investment News
Bernanke Jumps Out of Political Fray After Warning of Collapse - Bloomberg
Banks love bailout, hate credit card curbs - LA Times

Interbank liquidity well is still running dry - Financial Times
House prices fall in all areas of the country - Telegraph
A bank run in Hong Kong: Text P for panic - Economist
Belgian, Dutch Regulators Seek to Boost Confidence in Fortis - Bloomberg
Time runs out for Bradford & Bingley - Telegraph

Chinese Astronauts Safely Return to Earth After First Spacewalk - Bloomberg
Speculators: Shoot first - Economist

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