Viva Las Vegas!
Monday, September 08, 2008
We are off to Las Vegas for a few days, primarily to attend the Hard Assets Investment Conference where I'll be speaking on Tuesday (see schedule for details), but also to maybe snap a few photos of some of the real estate devastation that ranks Sin City right up there with Miami and Phoenix as the top housing market basket cases.There are a few items already cued up to go in the days ahead and I'm sure we'll pay the $15 a day (or whatever it is) to get an internet connection in our hotel room, so there will be new material appearing here, albeit on an unpredictable schedule.
The Wednesday afternoon session with GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action Committee) founder Bill Murphy and IIC (International Investment Conferences - the conference organizer) Vice President Tim Wood titled "Do Financial Institutions Conspire to Suppress the Price of Gold?" should be interesting. I'll be sure to take notes.
We're going to log about another 1,000 miles on this trip, once again doing our part to support high energy prices.
Nice way to write off a vegas trip. "uh, I had to document the forclosures!"
That's ok. I'll be out in Anaheim this winter investigating the turfgrass varieties at Disneyland for my landscaping biz. "I needed the vantage point of the Matterhorn!"
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