I think we know who to blame from here on out...
Friday, October 03, 2008
Now that the bailout plan has been signed into law - a "money tsunami" about to wash over the entire credit system as soon as this weekend - it's clear that things should get better from here on out. If they don't, there's really only one group that could logically be blamed for a continuation of the downward spiral.
This was what was found in my mailbox this afternoon - some cheer from Time Magazine and The Economist. It's as if they are trying to undo everything that was accomplished earlier in the week after reading encouraging email correspondence from brokerage houses urging investors like myself not to panic and wind up selling at the bottom again...There must be something about the combination of bright red and black (or black-and-white) that makes these covers so alarming.
Well we can't blame short sellers anymore.
and i had such hi hopes for that ban restoring order to the financial system
Sorry to be semi spammish here, but please consider my request for a real shakeup this november:
In between the current fleecing operation and the next one is one important little event: The November Elections. I have already seen a few starter plans out there to rally support for opponents of anyone that voted for this bill. This is a good start. Special attention should be paid to the cowardly vote changers that changed their minds when presented with cash handouts. In the next few days I am sure a solid, well organized plan will take shape and I will be donating money towards this goal. I strongly suggest you do as well.
We must do this, and more. What's more is that a message must be sent here. No more bailouts. No more mismanagement of the economy and national finances. No more giving the voters the middle finger with no accountability. NO MORE.
If you are reading this blog and others like it I feel safe in assuming you have a good head on your shoulders. I will further state that I think most, if not all, are solid citizens just trying to do their best. Whatever your political leanings I would think you have strong principals and you do not like to compromise them. I understand this and I respect that immensely.
I am going to ask you to compromise it nonetheless.
What I want you to do is to identify all incumbents that are on your ballot for November. Then I want you to vote against every single one.(You may elect to keep any official that voted NO to the bailout.)
Now I understand that for many the thought of voting for a republican makes you ill. You may think Roe vs. Wade will be overturned the first morning of the new congress or that we will invade Canada or whatever. Get over it. You can always vote the next time for a democrat. This issue is the most important thing and all that other stuff can wait.
I get it that the thought of voting for a Democrat may make you want to take a shower. You may think the gestapo will be at your door the first morning of the new congress to take your guns and your gold. You might think that we will be forced to marry a gay person even if we are not gay or whatever. Get over it. You can always vote for a republican the next time.
I can guarantee that if a boatload of incumbent get sent down the river, the new congress is going to be especially keen on listening to their voters. Very keen. You may even find that with a new attention to the voices of regular people, the differences between the right and the left for ordinary folks may not be so large.
Time and the Economist are optimists.
If a money tsunami created the problem (which it did)...
And another money tsunami doesn't fix the problem (which it won't)...
Then it doesn't matter what the media says.
I think Anon's (10-03-08, 9:37) logic is actually flawless.
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