Monday morning links

Monday, October 27, 2008

World markets slump as Nikkei hits 26-year low - AP
Rate cuts seen ahead, G7 frets about yen - Reuters
Treasury begins to deploy financial rescue plan - AP
We now need truly Keynesian solutions - Telegraph
Indian brides confront gold bears, again - MarketWatch
GM Said to Ask for U.S. Aid in Chrysler Merger Talks - Bloomberg
Watch out for a big Commodities Boom ahead - Commodity Online

Oil falls below $60 a barrel - Telegraph
Gold Drops as Investors to Switch to Cash - Bloomberg
Leave stocks to Buffett (for now) - MSN Money
Gold sales shoots up phenomenally in this festive season - LiveMint
Recession: How to invest – an expert's view - Telegraph

September new home sales rise by 2.7 percent - AP
Gun Sales Thriving In Uncertain Times - Washington Post
Survey: Gas prices fall nearly 53 cents in 2 weeks - AP
Sick economy has patients skimping - MSN Money

UCLA sees O.C. housing’s bottom by next summer - OC Register
It's getting harder to achieve the American Dream - Press of Atlantic City
Home defaults slide as California law puts on the brakes - LA Times

Treasury: first 9 banks to get funds this week - Reuters
Interbank lending improvements slow - AP
Fed expected to lead round of rate cuts - Guardian

South Korea announces record interest rate cut - Reuters
Shares plunge as pound buckles - Times Online
Loonie poised to slide further: RBC - Globe & Mail
UK house prices to fall by 25% by end of 2009 - Fair Investment
IMF pledges support for Ukraine and Hungary - Washington Post
Credit Crisis Slows Economy in Once-Hot Poland - NY Times

Wall Street workers leaving NYC for fresh start - AP
It's a hard time to be a charity - USA Today

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