Sunday morning links

Sunday, October 26, 2008

America joins UK on brink of recession - Guardian
Europe on the brink of currency crisis meltdown - Telegraph
In Beijing, World Leaders Pledge Broad Reform of Financial System - Washington Post
Boom will return, don't ask when - Globe & Mail
U.S. has plundered world wealth with dollar: China paper - Reuters
Alpha Bank closed, 16th failure this year - MarketWatch

Extolling the Value of the Long View - NY Times
Shortage of Gold & Silver in precious metals market - Commodity Online
OPEC plan to cut production fails to buoy oil prices - LA Times
Even the Midas Touch Isn't a Sure Bet - Washington Post
Hedging-style mutual funds come up short - MarketWatch

Economic View: But Have We Learned Enough? - NY Times
Economic Preview: GDP expected to show contraction - MarketWatch
Spending Stalls and Businesses Slash U.S. Jobs - NY Times
Chrysler slashing 5,000 jobs as sale talk goes on - SF Gate
Acute economic crisis may cure the nation's chronic materialism - LA Times

A Turn in the Housing Market? - Real Clear Politics
Countrywide plan may cut mortgage rates for 395,000 borrowers - LA Times
Falling home prices erasing what many Valley owners gained - Arizona Republic

Uses for $700 billion bailout money ever shifting - AP
Paulson Considers Buying Stakes in U.S. Insurers - Bloomberg
Companies start competing for bailout money - AP
Back to Bretton Woods - MarketWatch

Central banks poised to act - Reuters
Daimler to suspend production for one month: report - AFP
Economy worries hit Gulf shares - BBC
UK recession is here to stay, experts warn - Telegraph
Financial Meltdown Worsens Food Crisis - Washington Post
Bank of Korea Board to Meet Tomorrow; May Lower Rates - Bloomberg

Wall Street wives had the richer, now they're a bit poorer - LA Times
Ordinary Joes have mixed feelings on wealth - AP
You Don’t Always Know When the Sky Will Fall - NY Times

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