Let them eat cake

Monday, November 17, 2008

According this report at MarketWatch, the G20 leaders that gathered in Washington over the weekend to try to make sense of the global financial crisis dined on the following:

  • Fruitwood-smoked quail with quince gastrique and quinoa risotto
  • Landmark Chardonnay "Damaris Reserve" 2006
  • Thyme-roasted rack of lamb and a tomato, fennel and eggplant fondue with chanterelle jus
  • Shafer Cabernet "Hillside Select" 2003
  • Lolla rosa, red oak and endive with cider vinaigrette
  • Baked Vermont brie with walnut crostini
  • Pear torte with huckleberry sauce
  • Chandon Étoile Rosé
As millions of people around the world lose their jobs and their homes, it's important to note that Wally's in Los Angeles lists Shafer Cabernet "Hillside Select" 2003 at about $400 a bottle. There was some restraint shown, however, as the chardonnay only costs about $40.


Anonymous said...

Would you rather they ate Spam sandwiches washed down with 2-buck-chuck?

Andrew said...

Hi Tim,

Did you consider my proposal?

Kind Regards,
Andrew Knight

Anonymous said...

I think AIG should put this on the menu in the executive dining room. How could the government critisize?

Anthony Alfidi said...

So the smart play is to go long commodities: quail, lamb, endive, brie, and cabernet. Jim Rogers' long boom has legs again.

Anonymous said...

"huckleberry sauce": we grew huckleberry once - rubbish, and it took years to stop the self-seeded ones flourishing. But quail - we could try keeping quail. I hope we don't have to wash out our 1970s home-made wine kit and start making hedgerow wines again.


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