Wednesday morning links

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pelosi calls for auto industry help to be on House agenda - USA Today
IEA doesn't see peak oil by 2030 - MarketWatch
Best Buy cuts fiscal 2009 profit outlook - AP
U.S. Slump May Be Longest in Decades as Growth Fell Off `Cliff' - Bloomberg
American Express seeks $3.5B from feds - CNN/Money
Global Stock Market Rout May Continue, Rogers Says - Bloomberg
Cost of crude rising to $200 by 2030 - CNN/Money
Presto Change-o - Kunstler

Gold dips in line with oil, soft dollar supports - Reuters
Oil Prices Drop to 20-Month Low - NY Times
Institutional Investors May Need to Cut Property Bets - WSJ
Getting it right and still losing - MarketWatch
Why Jim Rogers chooses silver over gold to beat inflation - SilverSeek

Buying Binge Slams to Halt - NY Times
Recession Deniers Peddled the Same Lame Excuses - Bloomberg
Are We in Deflation or Inflation? - Seeking Alpha
Hyman Minsky was prophetic about the current financial crisis - Idaho Statesman

Nearly half of O.C. homes selling for a loss - OC Regsiter
Home Inventories Decline but Remain Huge - WSJ
For Many, 20% Down Payment Is All That’s Left - Mr. Mortgage
Fannie, Freddie soon to drop high limit - SF Gate
How to Buy a Foreclosed Home - WSJ

TARP's $700 Billion Can't Meet `Phenomenal' Spending, Reid Says - Bloomberg
Lobbyists Swarm the Treasury for Piece of Bailout Pie - NY Times
Fed Said to Seek Oversight of Credit-Default Swap Clearinghouse - Bloomberg

Stopping a Global Meltdown - Washington Post
China’s fiscal stimulus doesn’t necessarily mean that it will stop buying Treasuries - CFR
Bank of England: Inflation to fall below 2 pct. - AP
Nuclear Winter - China International Business
China retail sales expand 22% in October - MarketWatch
Russia lifts rates to 12pc to save rouble as crisis deepens - Telegraph

US Mint Cuts Product Offerings by 60% - Mint News
Overworking From Home: Risks Overlooked - LiveScience

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