Wikinvest Wire

The Obama Deception

Monday, March 16, 2009

Some might consider this an "overcorrection" from an item posted last week about our new president, others might not (my apolitical bent is often misinterpreted).

You can watch the entire film by Alex Jones, released just yesterday, here.

Interestingly, according to Wikiquote, President Woodrow Wilson's thoughts regarding the Federal Reserve at about ten minutes into the movie - "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country" - while disputed, are apparently legit.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm....all the same players. If it walks like a duck....

Anonymous said...

I watched the movie on the weekend, it is very good.
I was really hoping for a decent president for you guys.

EconomicDisconnect said...

Seems Yahoo Finance is not immune to the spell check issue most bloggers face, headline from 3:15pm EST:
"Obama: AIG can't LUSTIFY 'outrage' of bonuses.
Snagit screen shot (I had about 30 seconds until they fixed it) can be seen here:

Tim said...

That's funny.

Anonymous said...

Interesting movie, I'll have to watch it sometimes. Thanks for the tip. I just hope it's not another one of those nonsense conspiracy theories. I thought Mr. Obama was a good choice but so far after his 60 or so days as president he doesn't seem to be solving many problems. Thanks for the tip again,


Anonymous said...

They just keep getting better. I also recommend another recently released film 'Eye of the Phoenix'.

Anonymous said...

I was skeptical at first, but after watching and looking into the claims I was blow away by what I discovered and continue to learn. I recommend it for everyone!

Anonymous said...

I've just spent the last hour checking every site/link on this "guide". You've got to be sh*&^%ting me! Did any of you sheep bother to really read/watch the sites this guide references for this MOVIE? Probably not. If you did you'd wonder why the links do not support any of the arguements in any of the segments. Especially the Executive order that JFK signed which had nothing to do with with the Federal Reserve, it pertained to conserving silver for the US mint & duties of the Dept of Tresurary. It's a shame when people can't be bothered to look for the truth themselves. You wonder why other countries can't stand us. Unfortunately the folks that believe this rhetic are sole reason why we are and will referred to as "Stupid Lazy Americans". Don't wait for Alex Jones, Rush, and whoever else that's telling you what to think...Wake the f*&!#k up and do your own research & quit relying on others who obiviously have some ulterior motive for spewing this BS.

Anonymous said...

JFK's executive order was returning the power of issuing money to the government. Silver-backed money, not private paper. This would have led inevitably to the collapse of the private Federal Reserve. This without a doubt was at the very least a potential motive for his assassination.

Oh, and don't try to smear Jones by linking him with a moron like Limbaugh. I also would like it if more people were 'awake' - but while I find Jones' programming can tend towards sensationalism, it's also pretty accurate. Case in point: the recent MIAC report, broken first by Jones apparently due to a tip off by concerned police officers. Might not have broke into the MSM otherwise.


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