Friday morning links

Friday, April 10, 2009

Banks Ordered to Stay Mum on ‘Stress Test’ Results - Bloomberg
The G20 and the IMF: Banking on the fund - Economist
Goldman mulling stock offering - report - CNN/Money
Special Drawing Rights: Held in reserve - Economist
Is the bull market in gold over? - Commodity Online
GM: The good, the bad and the ugly - CNN/Money
In uncertain times, all that glisters is a gold standard - FT
Wells Fargo's record profit: Good omen or anomaly? - AP

IEA Cuts Oil Demand Forecast to Lowest in Five Years - Bloomberg
Gold May Rise on Speculation of Investor Demand - Bloomberg
Tough to settle on broad-gauge commodities tracker - MarketWatch
Financial markets: Whistling in the dark - Economist
The Incredible Shrinking Public Pension Funds - The Atlantic
Many individual investors can't fend for selves - MarketWatch

Many of the jobless get no unemployment benefits - USA Today
Retailers post sales declines; upscale stores falter - LA Times
Author who predicted crisis sees inflation ahead - Reuters
Exports Fall, and It’s Felt on the Farm - NY Times
Job market is especially cruel for older workers - LA Times

China’s Exports Fall for Fifth Month - Bloomberg
Nikkei ends shy of 9,000, as Asian markets gain - MarketWatch
Timeline: The Eastern European Domino Effect - CNBC
Bank of Japan likely to cut economic outlook - MarketWatch
‘Lehman Shock’ Fuels New Wave of Homeless in Osaka - Bloomberg
China becomes the great wall of stimulus - Globe & Mail
Tax havens must end culture of secrecy or face sanctions - Guardian
It’s Do or Die Time for No. 2 Economy: William Pesek - Bloomberg

Open house, anyone? 1 in 9 homes sit empty - USA Today
Time to refinance? You have to run the numbers - MarketWatch
Wall Street Continues to Misunderstand Housing - Seeking Alpha
Obama welcomes new wave of lending - LA Times

The Federal Reserve: Sacred territory - Economist
Banks, investment firms trim Fed borrowing in past week - AP
The Beatification of Ben Bernanke - Baker, Beat the Press
Still Few Buyers in Fed's Effort to Restart Lending - Time

Benefits widen public, private workers' pay gap - USA Today
In a Downturn, More Act as Their Own Lawyers - NY Times
Post Reporter Not Responsible for the Accuracy of People He’s Quoting - Yglesias



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