Thursday morning links

Thursday, April 02, 2009

G20 summit: leaders on brink of $1 trillion rescue deal - Telegraph
China pushes for bigger role in reshaping the world economy - LA Times
U.S. Urges GM to Consider Bankruptcy - Wash. Post
Defaults Rise as Worst Is Yet to Come for Commercial Property - Bloomberg
G20 Summit: an easy guide to judge its success or failure - Telegraph
Wall Street Swaps Zegna for Denim, Tool Belts - Bloomberg
Don't blame capitalism for this mess - CNN/Money
CDOs Becoming ‘Unmanageable’ as Trading Costs Surge - Bloomberg

Gold Dropsas Rising Stocks Curb Haven Demand - Bloomberg
Oil jumps to above $51 on stock market gains - AP
Stocks, Commodities Gain on Economy - Bloomberg
India rides old gold wave - Commodity Online
G20 to regulate big hedge funds: draft communique - Reuters
India’s silver imports follow gold, fall by 50% - Commodity Online

Initial jobless claims rise to highest level since 1982 - MarketWatch
U.S. seen facing danger of 2nd recession next year - Reuters
Delinquency rate on consumer loans rises to record 3.22% - MarketWatch
U.S. auto sales plunge but bottom seen near - AP
Manufacturing index rises more than expected - CNN/Money

China to Boost Yuan Swaps, Payments on Dollar Concern - Bloomberg
G20 leaders agree to fight protectionism, begin plenary session - CHINADaily
European Central Bank cuts key rate to new low - MarketWatch
UK house prices rise for first time in 16 months - TimesOnline
Safety Nets Not Enough to Allay Fears in Europe - NY Times
G20 To Call For Doubling of IMF Budget: UK - CNBC
China speaks and the world finally listens - Globe & Mail
China Vies to Be World’s Leader in Electric Cars - NY Times

Housing bust hits Manhattan - CNN/Money
Low mortgage rates continue to attract refinancers - USA Today
Area sales of new homes continue to plummet - Sacramento Bee
S.F., U.S. home prices in free fall - SF Gate

Treasuries Fall as G-20 Seeks to Counter World Slump - Bloomberg
How Long Will the Chinese Let the U.S. Bluff? - Seeking Alpha
FDR Economist Says Obama Should Put Stimulus First - Bloomberg
Fed Purchases $6 Billion of Three, Four-Year Treasury Notes - Bloomberg

Costco to close home stores due to slowdown - Reuters
Funeral cost-cutting boosts cremations - CNN/Money
9 patients made nearly 2,700 ER visits in Texas - AP



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