Monday morning links

Monday, June 29, 2009

Madoff due in court for sentencing today - AP
Zhou Says China Won’t Change Reserve Policy Suddenly - Bloomberg
Buy-and-hold stock strategy can be big loser in bear market - USA Today
Can Obama keep up with falling home prices? - CNN/Money
A Plan to Stem Foreclosures, Buried in a Paper Avalanche - NY Times
Recovery threatened by toxic assets still hidden in key banks - Guardian
The Science of Economic Bubbles and Busts - Scientific American
Madoff's day of reckoning comes - CNN/Money

Here comes the second half - CNN/Money
IEA Cuts Oil Demand Outlook on Economic Slump - Bloomberg
India gold imports plunge to 10 tons in June - Commodity Online
Real estate ETFs rest on shaky foundation - MarketWatch
Why Investors Bet on Bankrupt Companies - NY Times
What Really Backs the U.S. Dollar? - Seeking Alpha

Rising national debt raises prospects of eventual inflation - USA Today
Economy Lending To Poor Travel Numbers For 4th Holiday - WITN
A Recession Measured by New-Home Sales - Norris, NY Times
Green Shoots and a Grain of Salt - Hussman Funds
Weak economy will zap holiday trips, AAA says - AP

China Bank Lending Funneled Into Stocks, News Says - Bloomberg
Dollar to Rise Most Since 1981, Best Predictor Says - Bloomberg
China, Brazil reported planning currency trade deal - MarketWatch
VW denies having issued ultimatum to Porsche - Reuters
Swiss Banks Shun Americans as U.S. Compels Disclosure - Bloomberg
China reported planning massive boost to oil reserves - MarketWatch
Japan’s Factory Output Rises 5.9%, Third Monthly Gain - Bloomberg
Nearly completed high-rise collapses in Shanghai - Reuters

Frenzied bidding on discounted foreclosures - O.C. Register
We'll Rent For A Year, Then Sell When Market Comes Back - Clusterstock
Appraiser Viewpoint - Truth About Mortgage
U.S. Housing Bottom - Wealth Daily

BIS: Central Banks May Be Late to Raise Interest Rates - Bloomberg
FOIAing The Fed: The AIG Bankruptcy Negotiations - zero Hedge
The Bush-Obama Strategy of Throwing Billions at Banks Doesn't Work - Alternet
What part of "bankrupt" don't you get? - Examiner

Under-bite helps Pabst become World's Ugliest Dog - AP
When Hammering, Women Nail It - LiveScience
Billy Mays, star pitchman, dead at 50 - CNN/Money
Monkeys fall for visual illusion - BBC




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