Oil and gold contest update #4

Friday, June 12, 2009

Here's another update for the "Guess the Mid-Year Price of Oil and Gold" contest that is set to conclude in less than three weeks. With crude oil at about $72 a barrel and gold falling to $938 an ounce, the bottom part of the letter "S" has been traced out in the graphic below.
IMAGE Those not bullish on oil might think that the letter "R" is being traced out instead...

The top ten has many new names in it since it was last published with jlowey atop the list and the Inscrutible Chicken vaulting to second place.
IMAGE Note that the distance between your blue diamond and the yellow diamond indicating the current prices is a bit deceptive since the scale of the x-axis and y-axis are not the same. Be assured that due diligence has been conducted in ensuring the accuracy of these results.

No, not really...

If anyone spots any errors or omissions, please let me know.

For background information on this contest see the first update post from mid-May which contains all guesses that were received along with other contest information.

Recall that the winner will receive a free one year subscription to Iacono Research, valued at $159, where, this week, tumbling prices for precious metals resulted in the model portfolio dipping back below the +20 percent mark in year-to-date gains.




The Inscrutable Chicken said...

I've always thought of chickens "flapping" rather than vauting. Hmmm...I would pay good money to see a chicken vaulting.

Thanks for reminding me that second place is first loser. Thanks for that Iocono. Thanks a lot...

AJ said...

Doh. I think I'm going to end up a little low on the gold price and a little high on the oil price, but otherwise I think my prediction for the general direction of the prices was fairly decent - oil up, gold steady.


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