Sunday morning links

Sunday, June 14, 2009

At Group of 8 Talks, Geithner Defends Stimulus - NY Times
BRIC summit watched for signals on dollar - Bloomberg
Public debt: The biggest bill in history - Economist
The paper gold marketer is afraid to look in the vault - GATA
Obama eyes tighter controls on banks, Wall Street - AP
Government debt: The big sweat - Economist
California running out of $10,000 tax credits - CNN/Money
Six Flags files for bankruptcy protection - MarketWatch

Oil prices likely at $90 in 2010: Algerian minister - AFP
Mint moves to halt possible 'run' on gold - Ottawa Citizen
Dow Industrial Average Erases 2009 Decline on Economic Recovery - Bloomberg
John Embry Expects $1,500 Gold, Early Hyperinflation by Year End - 24h Gold
Commodity Trends:Momentum loss on dollar gains - Commodity Online
Caught short - Economist

Preview: Production Probably Fell, Housing Gained - Bloomberg
A recession so deep even teens are feeling the pain - MarketWatch
Paul Krugman's fear for lost decade - Guardian
Waiting for Work - Wash. Post
Deflation v. Inflation - Sudden Debt

Iran sees violent protests and claims of vote fraud - MarketWatch
Kudrin Says Russia Has Full Confidence in Dollar - Bloomberg
China's Economy in Turmoil: Bubbles in a Downturn - China Stakes
Europe Is Out Front in Overhaul of Global Financial System - Wash. Post
Pakistan Seeks $4 Billion IMF ‘Insurance’ to Cover Budget Gap - Bloomberg
Flaherty sees U.S. deficit as biggest threat to recovery - Globe & Mail
Young people 'giving up on the property dream' - Guardian
Canada decries "rising tide" of U.S. protectionism - Reuters

US cities may have to be bulldozed - Telegraph
Second mortgages: Lines of danger? - OC Register
Subprime Bloodletting Continues at Fitch - HousingWire
PIMCO: Fed to "engage again" in Treasury buys - Reuters

No Conundrum, Again - Noland, Prudent Bear
Debts Coming Due at Just the Wrong Time - NY Times
Just who bought all those Treasuries recently - Setser, CFR
Regulators Feud as Banking System Overhauled - NY Times

America's life-settlement industry - Economist
Checkmate at the Yellowstone Club - NY Times
Steve Jobs’ health status in 13 words - CNN/Money
The Loneliest Woman in New York - NY Times



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