Monday morning links

Monday, July 13, 2009

For Goldman, a Swift Return to Lofty Profits - NY Times
Economic crisis far from over, WTO chief says - Reuters
CIT Group in talks with regulators, shares tumble - AP
BRIC Currencies Resemble ‘House of Straw’ - Bloomberg
CitiGroup to extend acceptance of California IOUs - MarketWatch
GOP unifies against any more stimulus spending - AP
Schwarznegger to Obama: Watch and Learn - Perspectives from K.C.
No One Saw This Economic Crisis Coming? - Seeking Alpha

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Oil up near $60 on weaker dollar, Nigeria attack - AP
India gold demand slack as rupee hits 2-month low - Reuters
High LTV + Trigger Event (Unemployment) = Default - Hussman Funds
Investing in the VIX could protect your portfolio - MarketWatch
Gas hits $2.55: Down 10 cents in two weeks - CNN/Money
Buying High and Selling Low - NY Times

Why creating jobs is so hard - Flekenstein, MSN Money
Why I’m unconvinced by calls for a second stimulus - Salmon, Reuters
Job concerns expected to weigh down retail sales - MarketWatch
When Will The Recovery Begin? Never. - Robert Reich's Blog
Boiling Frog - Krugman, NY Times

China's central bank signals end to credit boom - Telegraph
Emerging Markets Priciest Since 2007 When Shares Fell - Bloomberg
Australia pushes China on Rio Tinto detentions - Reuters
Britain's green revolution will power economic recovery - Guardian
Who Said Economists Didn’t See The Crisis Coming? - A Fistful of Euros
It could be decades before the dollar is dislodged - Telegraph
Geithner to reassure Gulf allies on dollar assets - Reuters
Europe digs its economic grave, ECB answers to no one - Telegraph

Lenders abandoning foreclosed properties - JS Online
Housing market showing signs of life - WWMT, Milwaukee
Second wave of RE crisis to hit commercial property - Wash. Examiner
Who caused the financial crisis — villains or jerks? - CNN/Money

Bernanke May Explain Fed Exit Strategy Next Week - Bloomberg
How Fed inaction fueled the subprime crisis -
Insiders bet Bernanke will be reappointed - MarketWatch
To Control Bubbles, the Fed Must First Control Itself - Aleph Blog

For many, a simpler life is better - USA Today
Climate change 'will cause civilisation to collapse' - The Independent
It's a good bet World Poker Tour is up for sale - MarketWatch
Cheney tied to secret CIA project: report - MarketWatch



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