Thursday morning links

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Manhattan home prices plunge - Fortune
As deficit grows, Calif. prepares to issue IOUs - AP
Staffer at SEC Had Warned Of Madoff - Wash. Post
As oil rallies, passive investors increase their holdings - MarketWatch
GM Plans ‘Garage Sale’ for Toxic Plants, NJ Golf Course - Bloomberg
Clock Ticking on Accord to Sell Good G.M. Assets - NY Times
Madoff customers get $231 million so far - Reuters
Feds could seize Calif. parks if closed by budget - AP

Oil slips to $68 a barrel ahead of US jobs report - AP
Gold slips ahead of data; dollar strengthens - Reuters
Asia stocks end mostly down before U.S. jobs data - MarketWatch
Newsletter Insights: Elliott Wave of Mutilation - MarketWatch
Oil market oversupplied, demand weak -Kuwait - Maktoob
Case Shiller Housing Market ETFs Start Trading - Altos Research

467K jobs cut in June; jobless rate at 9.5 percent - AP
Initial Jobless Claims Fell 16,000 to 614,000 Last Week - Bloomberg
Pimco: Consumer "greed" hibernating, fear rules - Reuters
June Sales at Ford Fall Less Than G.M. or Chrysler - NY Times
Meltdown 101: Shuttered stores' sites still sell - AP

ECB keeps interest rate at 1 pct - AP
Swedish Central Bank Cuts Rate to Record - Bloomberg
Australia's trade deficit almost doubles in May - MarketWatch
Dollar Gains . China ‘Not Aware’ of Reserve Currency Talk - Bloomberg
China reportedly to concede on iron-ore pricing - MarketWatch
China Renews Call for ‘Stable’ Dollar, Diversification - Bloomberg
Banking system like South Sea bubble - Guardian
Moody's cuts Ireland's Aaa credit rating - MarketWatch

Foreclosure help will reach more homeowners - USA Today
Fannie, Freddie ease terms for mortgage refinance - Reuters
Home Sales Perk Up, but Expensive Houses Languish - Time
Gov't foreclosure help will reach more homeowners - AP

Treasury to name up to 9 managers for toxic-asset plan - Reuters
Bank Fees Rise as Lenders Try to Offset Losses - NY Times
Chicago Fed President sees U.S. growth in H2 - Reuters
Some Thoughts on the Fractional Reserve Banking System - Elliot Wave

Sears Tower unveils 103rd floor glass balconies - AP
Palin story sparks GOP family feud - Politico
light diverted after passenger undresses in seat - AP
New class of black hole could explain cosmic leviathans - AP



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