Wikinvest Wire

Ron Paul on Time's "Person of the Year"

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to talk about Fed chief Ben Bernanke being named Time's "Person of the Year". Not surprisingly, he agrees with the selection since the award is really intended for the "most important" person of the year and anyone who can secretly create a trillion dollars of the world's reserve currency out of thin air deserves that title.

BTW - The side-by-side Time covers that appeared here yesterday with Bernanke as the 2009 Person of the Year and the 1998 Greenspan-Rubin-Summers Committee to Save the World must have been spotted in about ten different place over the last 24 hours. That's funny how so many people (including myself) immediately recalled that issue when hearing of the news "Person of the Year".

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