Thursday morning links

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Greece Risks Downgrade Within Month on Budget Worries - Bloomberg
Ben Bernanke says record-low interest rates are still needed - LA Times
Ron Paul on Watergate, Saddam Hussein and the Federal Reserve - WSJ
California One Step Closer To Insolvency After State Cancels $2B Bond Sale - Zero Hedge
Toyota president apologizes under fire of U.S. officials - Washington Post
In Defense of Much, But Not All, Financial Innovation - Brookings
Senate approves $15 billion jobs bill - CNN/Money
The top 10 places to retire - MarketWatch

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Oil below $80 amid mixed US economy signals - AP
Gold Drops to Two-Week Low as Dollar Gain Saps Demand - Bloomberg
Hoping to prevent stock meltdowns, SEC passes short-selling rules - Washington Post
Goldman And JPMorgan SPY Holdings Double Over Prior Quarter - Zero Hedge
Euro Weakens, Stocks Fall, Greek Bonds Drop on Rating Concern - Bloomberg
Making the most of a strong dollar - MSN Money

Durable goods orders surge 3% on airplanes - MarketWatch
Jobless Claims Increased 22,000 Last Week to 496,000 - Bloomberg
Wealthy investors fret over politics, jobs: survey - Reuters
Double Dip Recession Risk Is Near: CIO - CNBC
Still sponging off mom and dad - CNN/Money

Clashes break out at Greek crisis protests - LA Times
Banks Bet Greece Defaults on Debt They Helped Hide - NY Times
Brazil’s Central Bank Boosts Reserve Requirements - Bloomberg
China warns US over future Taiwan arms sales - Washington Post
China says it may swing to trade deficits in next six months - MarketWatch
Biggest mining boom in Australia, courtesy China - Commodity Online
European Economic Confidence Unexpectedly Worsens - Bloomberg
Euro crisis has Italy pensioners worried - LA Times

Housing Woes To Continue, More Losses Coming - HuffPost
Pressure Will Build on Fed To Extend Mortgage Program - WSJ
Mortgage servicers offer aid plan for jobless - CNN/Money
Freddie: Bigger loss, no new bailout - CNN/Money

Bernanke Discusses Fed Support for Housing Market - WSJ
Geithner: No change to Fannie, Freddie until 2011 - AP
Grim outlook from Bernanke damps rate hike talk - Reuters
Bernanke's audit olive branch - CNN/Money

America's Most Unusual Hotels - Forbes
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web - Wired
GM to shut down Hummer after China deal fizzles - Reuters
Bandits rob delivery man of chicken wings in Ga. - AP



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