The New York gold crossing
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's not clear what's moving the gold price today, in fact, it's been a funny week in that the financial media is reporting better prospects for the Greek debt crisis have led to a stronger euro, a weaker dollar, and falling gold prices. That's not the way its supposed to work...
But, prices sure are moving - first up and now down - and it comes at a time of the day when many big moves have occurred, that is, shortly after markets open in New York.As noted here a week or two ago, the moves in New York trading are not always in the downward direction, but the three-day price charts from Kitco sure do show a lot of crossings right there in the middle.
A delayed reaction to the news from China the other day perhaps?

The gold price always goes down in New York. Up in Asia, down in New York. That's why they call it the CRIMEX, not the COMEX.
I want gold to pull back to $1k so I can load up.
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