The protests in Greece turn ugly
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Things got a little ugly in Greece today as, according to this AP report, another strike against the government's austerity measures resulted in "hundreds of masked and hooded youths" making their way through the streets of Athens causing all sorts of mischief.
Storefront windows on more than a dozen shops were smashed and the police used teargas to disperse rioters that numbered in the tens of thousands.

Substitute for greece; chicago, new yorkm detroit, los angeles....
Hope & Change coming your way.
Only the BEGINNING, I fear.
I agree with Faber that someone is going to try inventing a world war to snap all the serfs back in line. Although they don't fully understand why, too many people already see through the war of terror facade. However, an easy mark is harder to come by nowadays. Nationalism ain't what it used to be.
>I agree with Faber that someone is going to try inventing a world war to snap all the serfs back in line.
And you're just as infinitesimally stupid as him when it comes to military matters. Nuclear weapons render the world war concept between organized industrial nation states OBSOLETE. There is no money to made in the nuclear holocaust, why do you think the Cold War never cooked off? Globalization is much more profitable when the lines in the sands have been erased.
>Although they don't fully understand why, too many people already see through the war of terror facade. However, an easy mark is harder to come by nowadays. Nationalism ain't what it used to be.
Nationalism has been dying in the United States and dead in Europe after the left pegged it to Nationalsozialismus. The elite are more than content to feed the masses egalitarian garbage through Hollywood and TV land while they rot away the ability for thought out decision making by turning the world into a 24 hour new cycle, inane instant twitter, shout your idiocy from the highest mountaintop via your blog or facebook impulse gratification dystopia. Then you can hold hands with your fellow (brown) man, up to your neck in feces, while singing the praises of the 10 billion odd global village on a resource strained mudball while the elites laugh at your bleeding heart idiocy from their cathedrals of steel and glass.
Touche. As for laughing elites, to live without limits is to descend into the hell of one's own making.
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