Wikinvest Wire

Funny Economist Cartoons

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Economist magazine, as always, has some fine cartoon work in the current issue (one rather insightful article from the current issue will be discussed tomorrow). Whoever draws these things should be commended for both a sharp pencil and a sharp wit.

The economic statistics in the back pages are often times amusing as well, particularly when two tables are placed in close proximity and a few bold red marks are added.


Anonymous said...

its a good thing there's no inflation or these high prices would be killin' us

Mark said...
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Anonymous said...

Regarding above.

No, That was not the message of the cartoon. When the Iraq confict was heating up before the war, Quddafi of Libia rolled over and got rid of his nuclear plans. Now he is not a threat. So his hands are wiped clean of all the killings of his regime.
My question would be.....
Who is responcible for more innocent people dying.
Huessen, Quddafi, Amin or Bush?????

Tough choice.

Mark said...

Yeah I see the point anon. It's difficult to see how Libya giving up (stated) nuclear ambitions absolves them of state-sponsored terrorism. Good thing they (unlike N. Korea) have oil though, or they'd be pariahs forever :)

As to who's responsible for the most civilian deaths: I'd nominate Clinton, for sitting on his hands while in Rwanda the Hutus and Tutsis commited genocide that could have been prevented by a few thousand troops with little danger of casualties.

Unfortunately those civilians weren't being slaughtered on a proven oil reserve, or they might have lived.

Just to avoid a flame, I'm no fan of Bush either. I'm independent and reserve an equal amount of contempt for both parties :)

Anonymous said...


Don't be so disingenuous. What would you have Bush do? Invade Libya?

Funny, I never had you figured for a Neo-con...

Tim said...

Disingenuous? Neo-con? Please...

All I said was that the cartoon was funny - which it is.


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