Wikinvest Wire

Adieu, Baby Steps

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

In a bold non-move today, the Federal Reserve stood pat on interest rates, leaving the fed funds rate at 5.25 percent. After seventeen consecutive increases, the pause is here.

The question now?

Will the pause refresh?

Statements from the last meeting in June and the one just concluded are compared below. Notable differences are the confirmation of an economic slowdown and, more importantly, the removal of the "productivity will restrain wages" refrain as well as a little backpedaling on inflation and expectations thereof.

The change to the wording for inflation expectations is very intriguing - what was previously "inflation expectations will remain contained" has morphed into "inflation pressures seem likely to moderate over time, reflecting contained inflation expectations".

A curious choice of words.

More than anything, it feels like that click-click-click click-click-click sound has just stopped and we are all now moving in super slow motion, sitting blindfolded atop what is certainly the biggest roller-coaster in the world, waiting to see what happens next.


TJandTheBear said...

More than anything, it feels like that click-click-click click-click-click sound has just stopped and we are all now moving in super slow motion, sitting blindfolded atop what is certainly the biggest roller-coaster in the world, waiting to see what happens next.

Excellent metaphor, since it's all basically downhill from here (with lots of up and down volatility).

Anonymous said...

Your metaphor leaves out the part about the golden parachute.

Anonymous said...

Gotta give you kudos on the Metaphor too! Awesome! I just wish I knew which way this thing is going to go. I still think we are going to inflate.

Anonymous said...

I assume the metaphor refers to the dollar. Bet we set a new record for going from tightening to easing.

Anonymous said...

he's joined the bandwagon of economists going frantic about a crashing economy.

credit card debt has gone up while interest rates have risen and a slow down in spending. (lower rates & increased debt made sense, but not this)

Bernanke may actually be more worried about a run on banks than inflation now.

Who's going to pay for all the forclosures with 0% down loans? The mortgage insurance companies?

jmf said...

hello from germany,

for the homebuilders it doesnt matter.

tol and wci are out with numbers.

highlight. towerorders wci down 89%!!!!!!!

cashflow down big time. a desaster!

my take on tol

my take on wci

Chuck Ponzi said...


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