A Short Break
Friday, December 08, 2006
Some sort of illness has overtaken your editor, rendering him unable to do much more than rise periodically from bed to watch an episode of Andy Griffith or Gunsmoke (the mountain man wrongly accused of murdering a family of three was thankfully just exonerated again earlier today).
Hopefully, the normal fare will resume here in the next few days.That was no easy task getting that picture up - clearly it was worth it. Time for a nap.
"gute gesundheit" from germany
i hope you will recover soon.
missed your famous "friday light" post.
Hope you're feeling better Tim. In the mean time 1 word.
Zinc. The edible variety.
^ Huh?
Hope you're feeling better quickly Tim. :)
Get better soon.
P.S. I did not realize Mel Gibson posted on your blog -- what an honor.
Well I'm convinced that Greenspan is responsible! Might I suggest SpongeBob as well as Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith!
Tim -
You're the only thing I take with my coffee in the morning, so I need you to suck up an get better soon. Actually, that's a lie. I take multiple blogs with my morning coffee, however, you're at the top of the list. Really.
In any case - get well!!!
A regular from the begining...
best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery.
A New Visitor
Thanks for all the well wishes.
I'm better than I was on Friday (flu), but still far from normal (perfect setup for a joke there, but nothing really good comes to mind).
I watched Pale Rider the other day - never much of a Clint Eastwood fan, but this was pretty good. The setting probably helped sway my opinion - gold mining in 1850s California.
Get well soon, we need our editor :)
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