Cartoon Wars
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Who's got the better cartoons, BusinessWeek or The Economist? It's really no contest as demonstrated once again this week and shown below. While the American business weekly occasionally hits a home run, usually having something to with the housing bubble, more often than not it disappoints.
Like this week.The cartoon artists at The Economist work with fewer colors but sharper wits.
They've done a great job with tables in the back of The Economist as well, now combining economic data for emerging markets along with developed nations.
Look how well inflation is being controlled around the world - marvelous. That is except for Russia, Venezuela, and a couple others. Don't go to South Africa if you're looking for work - the unemployment queues are probably very long (yes, queues, though the British probably have a different word for unemployment).It must be terribly tedious and boring to collect and publish this data week after week - all those asterisks and funny cross-like symbols. It's doubtful that if mistakes are made anyone notices. They could just be making up these numbers.
Well, actually, that's the government's job.
What's going on with the jet and sportscar in the first cartoon? Are they hanging in mid-air? Are they on land but the artist has no conception of perspective? Are they on a thin plank hovering above the heads of the bikini-ed girls on the boat?
Just awful -- I don't even want to read the caption. I'll take your word for it that it isn't particularly witty.
Second cartoon is about right. Europe gets 70% of their energy from Russia and nowe they're screwed.
Where is the New Zealand data, are we maller then Pakistan?
NZ is under MORE COUNTRIES along with Slovakia, Slovenia, and Liechtenstein - I just updated the table with the online version.
(Just kidding about Liechtenstein)
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