Wikinvest Wire

Digitus Impudicus

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

In performing the mandatory minimum of ten minutes of research before offering up more fare here, it is clear that there are lots of people out there with lots of free time on their hands.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Going first to Wikipedia for basic background material, a treasure trove of information on the Highway Salute is found.

Then, external references such as The Straight Dope dispelled notions that the gesture had, as its origins, a romanticized 15th century battle between the French and the British.

(Well, romantic except for the part about getting your finger cut off.)

How do you make it onto Wikipedia as one of two subjects asked to demonstrate "the bird"?

What is that second guy wearing anyway? His picture would appear here were it not so disturbing (someone should flag this page at Wikipedia - it is in obvious need of some sort of attention).

This is a photograph that I took of myself performing a one finger solute.

This is me, the author, wearing clothing that I designed and made.

I give permission to copy and use this picture.

Look Mom! I'm on the internet!

None of the above has anything to do with what appears below, save for the digitus impudicus (also known as digitus infamis) itself.

Once again, a relatively long row has been hoed but the payoff is surely worth the effort, the hard work already having been done by Eddy Elfenbein over at Crossing Wall Street.

Eddy is apparently none-too-pleased with all the attention the former Fed Chairman has been getting.

Just wait for the book tour this summer.


bub said...

Tim I think with that photo as inspiration it's time for you to start another web site. Use this as a template:

Greyhair said...

Hey Tim. Did you happen to notice that the Fed and Treasury dumped $27 billion into the system today ... around the time of the market lows?

Love those free marketplaces.


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